
The deployed addresses for Liquidity.sol are:

Rinkeby: `Mainnet:


Interface of the Liquidity.sol contract. Does not include restricted or optional functions. To view the full interface visit: link to interface on github.


getCAsset(asset) getCAssetBalance(account, cAsset) supplyErc20(asset, amount) supplyCErc20(cAsset, amount) withdrawErc20(asset, amount) withdrawCErc20(cAsset, amount) supplyEth() withdrawEth(amount) assetAmountToCAssetAmount(asset, amount) cAssetAmountToAssetAmount(cAsset, amount)


Erc20Supplied(liquidityProvider, asset, tokenAmount, cTokenAmount) CErc20Supplied(liquidityProvider, cAsset, cTokenAmount) Erc20Withdrawn(liquidityProvider, asset, tokenAmount, cTokenAmount) CErc20Withdrawn(liquidityProvider, cAsset, cTokenAmount ) EthSupplied(liquidityProvider, amount, cTokenAmount); EthWithdrawn(liquidityProvider, amount, cTokenAmount);


getCAsset(asset) -> address Returns the address of the cAsset associated to the underlying asset.

getCAssetBalance(account, cAsset) -> uint256 Returns the cAsset balance of an account. This can be combined with cAssetAmountToAssetAmount() to get the accounts underlying balance.

supplyErc20(asset, amount) -> uint256

Returns the amount of cTokens minted and added to the lenders balance.

Emits a Erc20Supplied() event.

supplyCErc20(cAsset, amount) -> uint256

Returns the amount of cTokens added to the lenders balance.

Emits a CErc20Supplied() event.

withdrawErc20(asset, amount) - uint256

Returns the amount of cTokensburnedand subtracted from the lenders balance.

Emits a Erc20Withdrawn() event

withdrawCErc20(cAsset, amount) - uint256

Returns the amount of cTokens subtracted from the lenders balance.

Emits a CErc20Withdrawn() event.

supplyEth() - > uint256

Returns the amount of cTokens minted and added to the lenders balance.

Emits a EthSupplied() event.

withdrawEth(amount) -> uint256

Returns the amount of cTokensburnedand subtracted from the lenders balance.

Emits a EthWithdrawn() event.

assetAmountToCAssetAmount(asset, amount) -> uint256 Returns the amount of cAsset to be expected in a conversion from an underlying amount.

cAssetAmountToAssetAmount(cAsset, amount) -> uint256

Returns the amount of asset to be expected in a conversion from a cAsset amount. This function rounds at the 10th decimal and provides a slightly rounded, less-than-whole-number value. This results from Compound's cTokens having 8 decimal values.

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