
The deployed addresses for Lending.sol are:

Rinkeby: Mainnet:


Interface of the Lending.sol contract. Does not include restricted or optional functions. To view the full interface visit: link to interface on github.




getLoanAuction(nftContractAddress, nftId)

executeLoanByBorrower(nftContractAddress, nftId, offerHash, floorTerm)

executeLoanByLender(nftContractAddress, nftId, offerHash, floorTerm)

refinanceByBorrower(nftContractAddress, nftId, floorTerm, offerHash, expectedLastUpdatedTimestamp)

refinanceByLender(offer, expectedLastUpdatedTimestamp)

drawLoanAmount( nftContractAddress, nftId, drawAmount)

repayLoan(nftContractAddress, nftId)

repayLoanForAccount(nftContractAddress, nftId, expectedLoanBeginTimestamp)

partialRepayLoan(nftContractAddress, nftId, amount)

seizeAsset(nftContractAddress, nftId)

ownerOf(nftContractAddress, nftId)

calculateInterestAccrued(nftContractAddress, nftId)

calculateInterestPerSecond(amount, interestBps, duration)

checkSufficientInterestAccumulated(nftContractAddress, nftId)

checkSufficientTerms(nftContractAddress, nftId, amount, interestRatePerSecond, duration)


LoanExecuted(nftContractAddress, nftId, offer)

Refinance(nftContractAddress, nftId, offer)

AmountDrawn(nftContractAddress, nftId, drawAmount, totalDrawn)

LoanRepaid(lender, borrower, nftContractAddress, nftId, asset, totalPayment)

PartialRepayment(lender, borrower, nftContractAddress, nftId, asset, amount)

AssetSeized(lender, borrower, nftContractAddress, nftId)


getLoanAuction(nftContractAddress, nftId) -> LoanAuction

Returns a LoanAuction struct

executeLoanByBorrower(nftContractAddress, nftId, offerHash, floorTerm)

Executes a LoanAuction given an offerHash of an offer in the on-chain offerbook. Must be called by the owner of a valid NFT.

Emits a LoanExecuted() event.

executeLoanByLender(nftContractAddress, nftId, offerHash, floorTerm)

Executes a LoanAuction given an offerHash of an offer in the on-chain offerbook. Emits a LoanExecuted() event.

refinanceByBorrower(nftContractAddress, nftId, floorTerm, offerHash, expectedLastUpdatedTimestamp)

Refinances a LoanAuction given an offerHash of an offer in the on-chain offerbook. Must be called by the owner of the borrowed NFT. Emits Refinance() and AmountDrawn() events.

refinanceByLender(offer, expectedLastUpdatedTimestamp)

Refinances a LoanAuction given an offer.

Emits a Refinance() event.

drawLoanAmount( nftContractAddress, nftId, drawAmount)

Enables a borrower to draw more value from their loan if a refinance has offered a larger amount. Emits an AmountDrawn() event.

repayLoan(nftContractAddress, nftId)

Enables a borrower to repay their loan in full. Emits a LoanRepaid() event.

partialRepayLoan(nftContractAddress, nftId, amount)

Enables a borrower to make a partial payment toward the principle of their loan. Emits a PartialRepayment() event.

seizeAsset(nftContractAddress, nftId)

Enables a lender to seize an asset from a loan that has gone past its duration without being repaid in full. Emits an AssetSeized() event.

ownerOf(nftContractAddress, nftId) -> address

Returns the true owner of the NFT.

calculateInterestAccrued(nftContractAddress, nftId) -> uint256, uint256

Returns the lenderInterest and protocolInterest accrued during the current segment of interest.

calculateInterestPerSecond(amount, interestBps, duration) -> uint96

Returns the interestRatePerSecond given a set of terms.

checkSufficientInterestAccumulated(nftContractAddress, nftId) -> uint256

Returns the delta between the required accumulated interest and the current accumulated interest.

checkSufficientTerms(nftContractAddress, nftId, amount, interestRatePerSecond, duration) -> bool

Returns whether the terms are in aggregate sufficiently better than the current terms of the loan.

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